Recruiting Excellent Job Candidates

Released on: March 8, 2008, 4:41 am

Press Release Author: DEV DAAS

Industry: Education

Press Release Summary: An independent recruiter, recruiting agency or executive
search firm is charged with tracking down excellent potential candidates for
available job positions.

Press Release Body: An independent recruiter, recruiting agency or executive search
firm is charged with tracking down excellent potential candidates for available job
positions. Despite the fact that there are innumerable people seeking positions of
employment in the 21st century, it often seems to a typical recruiting agency that
qualified men and women are few and far between.

Here are six easy tips that recruiting services, staffing firms, or executive search
firms should keep in mind when on the hunt for outstanding potential job candidates
in the 21st century.

These tips are equally applicable to companies undertaking their own search without
the help of recruiting agency services. Indeed, the headaches associated with
finding qualified personnel is magnified for a company undertaking its own
recruitment efforts.

1. Post an Ad on an Industry-specific Job Board. Oftentimes, a recruiter will take a
scattershot approach to finding candidates that are worthy of consideration for an
available position. They broadcast far and wide the fact that a certain position is
open and available, in big city newspapers and on major Internet job boards.

If a recruiting agency were more thoughtful about its recruitment efforts, it would
realize the benefits of positing an announcement of an available position on an
industry-specific Internet job board. By posting in a selective and admittedly
limited manner, recruiters and staffing firms would be reaching out precisely to the
pool of people most likely to be qualified for an open position.

One excellent tool for finding industry-specific job boards can be accessed at:

2. Use Recruiters that Specialize in a Given Field As with advertising, choosing an
effective recruiter might be just a matter of targeting, particularly for a
managerial or executive position. These positions can be very hard for in-house
personnel directors and human resource managers. While these people do have
responsibility for hiring, the search for a new employee with skills beyond the norm
for their company can best be targeted by a professional executive head hunter.

The same can be said for specialized fields, such as accounting or information
systems. In-house human resources staff might know all about pharmaceutical
skill-sets required for a multitude of research and administration positions, but
they might rarely have to deal with hiring staff to track money or to keep the
computers functioning. That\'s when recruiting agency services specializing in IT or
in accounting can come in handy.

3. Develop an In-House Referral Program. In many instances, exiting staff members
can help speed up the search for quality job candidates. Employees often have
contacts elsewhere within the industry, some of which may be looking for a change of

By cultivating this internal resource, a personnel director can develop a wealth of
ready information about prospective employees who might well serve the organization
as valued employees.

4. Search Resumes Posted on Job Boards In addition to advertising on an industry
specific job board, a diligent personnel director or recruiting agency will want to
take the time to search and consider resumes that have been posted on job boards.

Often, a person pounding the pavement looking for employment may not have the time
to take in and review all of the various available positions that have been posted
on an every job board. This is even more true if a given prospect is a highly
sought-after candidate, who might be still busy in a current position of

5 .Use a Directory of Recruiters. Because there are so many different type of
recruiters in business in the 21st century it can often be difficult for in-house
human resources staff to pinpoint the recruiter that will be best able to meet the
needs of a given employee recruitment campaign. But there are resources available,
such as directories of recruiters.

By using a professional directory, in-house human resources staff will be able to
identify the most appropriate resources for their company and for the recruiting
task at hand. Even staffing firms can benefit from such a recruiters directory to
seek help in a specialized field they don\'t often work with.

6. Don't Rush the Process. Finally, while it is an overused saying, "Rome wasn't
built in a day." In the same vein, 99 times out of 100 there is no need to rush the
process of seeking, identifying and hiring a new employee, particularly an executive
level employee.

A personnel director should take his or her time to identify, screen, interview and
hire the best candidate. Throughout this process, a human resources manager or
specialist will rely on the services and support tools identified in this article.

By using these tips, in the long run the best possible candidate for a given
position will end up being hired, and the company will benefit from the best
possible employees.

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Contact Details: Technoflickers, sco.90, 35/C, chd

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